Who We Are
Welcome to the Missouri Society of Naturopathic Physicians (MOSNP). We are dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing for those living in the Show-Me-State. As a proud affiliate of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, MOSNP stands at the forefront of advancing healthcare through an integrative approach. Our organization is dedicated to enhancing the health and vitality of Missourians by embracing the synergy of conventional and naturopathic medicine for a comprehensive path to truly holistic healthcare.
Our Mission
1. Fostering Community: We strive to increase and nurture a sense of community among Missouri Naturopathic Doctors, providing both personal and professional support.
2. Advocacy in the Political Realm: We are dedicated to advocating for NDs and our profession in the political sphere. We aim to work towards comprehensive legislation that protects our professional title and outlines the scope of our practice in Missouri.
Join Us
We welcome anyone in support of naturopathic medicine to join us at this exciting time as we work together to establish regulation for Naturopathic Doctors in Missouri.
Become a Member
We welcome Naturopathic Doctors to become members of our organization. We also provide membership benefits to other professionals and citizens who support our values and mission. Explore membership types and benefits here.